Sunday, 8 June 2014

Better Together products in Best Seller bundle of EDITABLE timetable .doc and inspiration posters

This is a bundle to save you money.  Both products are available separately at my TpT store.

A bundle of over 30 colourful, easy to read, posters.
Each poster has a inspirational message.
Pick and choose which posters suit your teaching style..
Read to print to A4 or A3 in colour
Font is Comic Sans for all students to read easily.
Print on paper, card, laminate and/or use paper magnet paper (Available in shops like Cheap as Chips near photo printer paper).

•    1 page editable classroom timetable in colour
•    1 page editable classroom timetable in black and white

•    sample colours for each subject lesson
•    versions in black and white

Suggestions for use:
•    student copy for reference/ teacher use as display or demonstration
•    black and white or colour
•    print, laminate or print on magnetic paper for whiteboard use
•    A4 or A3 – check printer settings before printing

If you like this product, you may like…
<a href="">Inspiration Posters</a>
<a href="">History Unit</a>
<a href="">Today by Numbers</a>
<a href="">Word Study Proforma</a>
<a href="">Student Desk Plate with Alphabet</a>
<a href="">100 Days of School Smarter Pack</a>
<a href="">100 Word Scavenger Hunt</a>
<a href="">Times Table Charts and Quiz</a>

Please visit my blog below to vote in the online polls:
<a href="">my blog</a>
Which Foreign Languages are taught at your school?
Which type of teacher created resources is most useful?
First, vote then, see what is wanted by fellow teachers J

A big THANKYOU to my buyers.

Tips for TEACHERS pay TEACHERS Buyers

Visit my TpT blog to vote in polls:
o   Visit TpT blog: Italienfrancese Teacher blogger
Which Foreign Languages are taught at your school?
Which type of teacher created resources is most useful?
o   Look at poll results as voted by teachers J

Leave feedback to earn TpT credits
o   Click My Purchases page (once logged on).
o   Click Provide Feedback button for a quick rating & leave a short comment for each purchased item.
o   A one sentence answer to any question would be great:
Is it what you were looking for?
Or what worked well with your students?
Or can anything be improved for future users?
o   You receive TpT credits to buy any product at any store on the TpT website J

Become a follower
o   If you want discounts, freebies & new products, click on the green star near my TpT store logo.
o   Now, you will receive regular emails from me in your TpT inbox

Buy additional licenses at half price.
o   Please honour the time & effort by not giving this product away to others. Your purchase offers you discounted additional licenses at 50% off for your colleagues via MY PURCHASES at TpT J

And a very big THANKYOU to my buyers,

Cheers from,

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